Hi, I'm Olaf and I am a game designer.
Before I decided to follow my passion I earned my degree in physics. I know higher math and I'm not easily intimidated by complex systems. I have a very logical and analytical way of thinking, and an eye for detail and potential risks while not losing sight of the bigger picture. This combination enables me to solve problems efficiently, preferably before they escalate. These are my tools to help my team make the best games we can, all while focusing on the product and the user experience.
I have worked on several game projects from the first idea to final release, fulfilling a variety of roles. Among other things I was responsible for system-, level- and narrative design, balancing, project management, sound design, playtesting and quality assurance.
Though I have worked as a producer with great success, I prefer to actively contribute to the game as a game designer. I love to be in the center of the team, to communicate with programmers and artists and to observe the product grow from close up